Since Brexit and the election of President D., fascists the world over are finding their comfort zone like they haven’t since the 1930’s. No longer needing to hide in alleys like California smokers, fascists are finding they can be public with their sentiments and even their actions, which many are finding a good thing.
It’s no longer embarrassing to support internment. We can all take comfort in the fact that internment has a “precedent” in our country, just like slavery and genocide. We don’t want to have to turn to those methods, but if it becomes “necessary for national security,” we will do what we have to. As history shows, it was ever thus.
Since fascism is the flavor of the day, let’s understand it. Let’s discover the benefits and why so many of our brothers and sisters are celebrating their new found freedom of self expression.
The Benefits of Fascism
Enhanced security. Because fascism protects the rights of the state over the rights of individual citizens, intrinsic to the system is a strong military. If you like military spending and a thriving military industrial complex, you’ll love fascism.
Increased efficiency. Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini famously stated that under his rule “the trains would run on time.” Although Benito’s promise was not fulfilled, Hitler’s Germany was very efficient. The trains taking people to the camps and soldiers to war fronts were numerous and on-time thanks to Hitler’s leadership and IBM’s punch card technology.
Patriotism. Flag wavers, unite. Fascism, with its emphasis on a strong state, gives everyone a chance to unleash his, her, or their inner patriot.
Limited media. What with the “post factual” media era, limiting media might a good thing. Without information, it’s hard to fight, so fascism in this way promotes peace. And don’t all of us spend a little too much time indoors binge watching Orange is the New Black when we could be spending time in the great outdoors marching in formation?
Economic growth. As the government seizes the means of production and controls how commerce is conducted, fascism fuels economic growth. In many ways, economic growth is fascism’s biggest promise. All in all, when certain portions of the population are living in internment camps or being deported, there are fewer mouths to feed. The question is, will yours be a mouth fed, or a mouth left in doubt and dread?
Fascism can be wonderfully salubrious for those on the right side of it. Chances are, you will benefit from the accumulated and left-behind wealth of those who are evacuated; you will know exactly what to think and what to do; and you will enjoy the peace and order that comes from leadership that is not “ruled by committee.” Trains will run on time, and the government will have a free hand to improve the economy. And, with centralized power at their disposal, your favorite fascists may decide to fix the climate while they are taking care of over population.
Think it over: With benefits like these, what more could you want from your government?